Friday, November 7, 2008

Fear of Commitment - How to Cure Commitment Fear Easily

Fear of commitment is plaguing modern relationships. Look at any movie, or read any recently-published book dealing with the subject of romance. Since the 19th century, our civilization has perpetuated the idea of "true love" as the only valid basis for a long-term sexual relationship. Everyone knows how difficult this ideal is to implement. It's very difficult to be perfectly happy and satisfied with oneself. To find ideal happiness, satisfaction, and spiritual accord in one's intimate relationship with another person is even more difficult. It is no wonder that many people react to this by fearing long-term commitments. In some people, this fear becomes an outright phobia, a kind of social phobia. Help is what they need, for, otherwise as soon as their romantic relationships progresses beyond a certain stage of intimacy, these people will always panic--often, with emotionally disastrous results. Why We Fear Commitment Many experiences can makes us develop an aversion to long-term relationships. Perhaps your parents have had a painful divorce while you were impressionable and young. As you listened to them fight, perhaps you contrasted your parents' relationships to what was shown in movies. Movies, especially of action-adventure variety, depicted only the process whereby the protagonist falls in love with, courts, and begins having a relationship with a prospective partner (usually a passive female). They only show the glorious beginnings of relationships. The only experience most of us have, as children, of what romantic relationships are like on a day-to-day is with our parents. Thus, when parents undergo a bitter, showy divorce--or remain together "for the sake of the kids" but obviously appear to hate one another--it's easy for children to generalize their parents' dysfunctional relationship into all long-term relationships. Many Other Reasons Other reasons for commitment anxiety are negative experiences one's earliest romantic relationships. Perhaps your first serious boyfriend or girlfriend grew what you perceived to be as clingy and dependent, making your relationship a source of despair and stress, rather than happiness. Some people are addicted to constant change in order to mask a perceived lack of substance in their lives, or low self-esteem. Others fear responsibility that comes from living with someone they care for. They hate the thought of being beholden to someone else for their lives. Work Through Your Relationship Issues With NLP Clearly, the causes of commitment phobia are complex. Moreover, they're different for every individual. Traditionally, people who wanted to get over their aversion to long-term relationships went into therapy to figure out what it was they dreaded about commitments. However, this process could take years--years of loneliness during which these patients' most meaningful "relationship" could be with their therapist. A combination of NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) and hypnotherapy techniques, offer a potentially faster method to provide social phobia help for those who fear romantic commitments. The NLP and hypnotherapy practitioner doesn't care as much about your past. The NLP and hypnotherapy practitioner trains you to imagine and consciously recognize the negative thought processes that go through your head when you think about long-term relationships. Then, the practitioner re-trains your mind to lead those thought processes to different conclusions--ones that don't involve fear of commitment. For more info visit:

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