Friday, October 31, 2008

Romantic Tips that Keep Relationships Alive

You’ve been in a relationship for quite some time and you notice that the romance that was so abundant in the early days is fading fast. You know that you’ve got to act fast because your relationship is heading for disaster. What can you do to bring back that romantic flare?

It all starts with one simple step! Start putting your partner first in all things that you do. This is one of the most romantic things that you can do for your partner.


1. Your partner is sick and has decided to take the day off from work to rest and heal. You surprise him/her and stay home to care for them, tending to their every need. When my husband did this for me just a couple of weeks ago, I was so appreciative and it is something that I will never forget.

2. You meet someone at work that you really like. Think what your partner would think about this person. While it is okay to have friends that our partners do not like, it is always better to consider your partners’ feelings before you jump into a friendship with someone else, since our partner is our closest friend. Consider why your partner wouldn’t like this person or why he/she would.

When it’s all said and done, thinking of your partners’ feelings before you do or say anything is one of the most romantic things you can do. After all, romance is at its very nature showing a person that you love them and what can say it more than putting them first in all things you do.

Brandi Simon is the owner of Marital Matters where she offers articles and information for those suffering the effects of an extramarital affair and other relationship issues. Brandi is an affair survivor who has successfully rebuilt her marriage from the ashes and offers advice to those who are recovering. To learn more about the website or Brandi, please visit Brandi Simon is the owner of Marital Matters where she offers articles and information for those suffering the effects of an extramarital affair and other relationship issues. Brandi is an affair survivor who has successfully rebuilt her marriage from the ashes and offers advice to those who are recovering. To learn more about the website or Brandi, please visit

Romantic Tips To Bring Back The Passion

Romance is something that a lot of people crave but very few get. If everyone took the time to be more romantic there would be fewer break ups. So you think you don't have time for romance? Do you think being romantic is going to cost you a lot of money? You need to think again. Romance doesn't have to be expensive and it doesn't have to take a lot of time out of your day. Read on to uncover a few romantic tips that you can start using right away to enhance your love life.

Show her you love her by having a romantic dinner ready for her when she comes home from work. Make it complete with candlelight. It doesn't have to be a gourmet meal. The food that is served is not as important as the atmosphere you have created and the action itself.

Once a week, make time for a romantic bubble bath together. Yes, you must use bubbles. A sexy bubble bath will be sure to get things heated up. Just see where it leads.

Go to a movie and sit in the very back row. During the movie have a make out session like you did when you were teenagers. If you are lucky enough to find a drive -in movie theater that is still operating, that is even better.

One of the best romantic tips is also one of the simplest. Place a call to your partner or send an email. Just say that you hope he or she is having a good day. Make the conversation short and make sure you say "I love you." This may seem very basic, but it works.

Another one of the best romantic tips is to go for a drive in the country on a nice day. Find a quiet spot, lay down on a blanket and look at the clouds. Take this time to talk with your partner about your hopes and dreams. Sharing your heart with someone else is the most intimate thing that anyone can do.

So there you have just a few great romantic tips that you can use. As you can see, these tips do not take a lot of time or money. If you want your relationship to last, you need to put a little bit of work into it. But who says the work has to be boring?

100 Lovemaking Games For Couples

One of the biggest challenges in a long-term relationship is trying to keep things exciting in the bedroom.

Whether it's work, the kids or the other 1000 things you need to do, dedicating time to keep the fire burning in your sex life is often easier said than done. Let's face it, we all have busy lives. Therefore, it makes sense to find ideas that can be used again and again in your lovemaking repertoire.

Lo and behold: "100 Sex Games For Couples." Sex games really are a great way to keep things fresh and original and often have a longer reusable value than most techniques and positions.

But does this book by Michael Webb really deliver? Let's find out :D

To begin, I really liked the introduction of the book and how it talked about intimacy being spiritual, emotional and physical. It really sets the tone for the whole book and emphasizes that these games are really about "making love," not having sex.

So what about the games themselves? Actually, I was surprised to find there were only 33 sex games in the book. Instead, the other 67 games are variations of the original 33 games, changing the rules of the games to create different versions. While this was a little disappointing at first, after reading the book, I became quite excited to try many of the games myself. There is more than enough in there to keep things exciting for a long time. And of course, some games will keep you entertained longer than others.

However, on the flipside, you won't find many of these games anywhere else. In that sense, they truly are original and unique. I was really pleased with the level of imagination and creativity when it comes to these games.

You'll find exciting games such as: a guessing game (one of my personal favorites), a night of passion that starts elsewhere, a game where stories become your drive for pleasure, a card game with a twist, a great game to choose your bedroom clothing, and many others involving food, communicating, touching and sharing intimate moments.

All in all, the book is well worth the asking price, considering it could be the very thing that brings you closer together as a couple!

So the verdict? I LOVE it and I definitely recommend "100 Sex Games For Couples" to any couple that wants to bring back the fire and add that magic touch.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Romantic Ideas

Romantic Ideas

Where on the internet can I find romantic ideas, creative romantic ideas, romantic ideas for him or even cheap romantic ideas? The answer for this is simple. offers free romantic ideas. Whether your looking for valentine ideas or just a way to impress the girl or guy you recently met.

I really found this useful a couple of months ago on Valentine's day. My girlfriend is a sucker for romance and to be honest...I'm not really the romantic type. I discovered the site through google and at that moment when i opened the site for the first time I knew I was going to make my girlfriend REALLY happy!

In site I found how to say i love you in all languages and used that with the romantic tips section to completely blow her away. Well I know it's not completely original but I think it's an amazing resource for people similar to me. I also treated her to a couple of creative date ideas i found on the site and she really thanked me for that.

After that wonderful valentine our relationship has just grown stronger and i still get compliments to this day. I hope this site helps all of you as much as it helped me. Just remember that its the thought that counts but it is better doing it with a romantic ideas.
Guys remember that girls love romantic ideas and suggestions. Being romantic starts with romantic ideas and a great way is having romantic ideas for couples.

Some of the following content can be found on :
Romantic tips
Romantic dates
Romantic gifts
Honeymoon ideas and much much more.
Have a great day and thank you for reading.